We specialise in providing a Contract Review and Drafting Service tailored to meet the unique needs of your business

Simple and hassle free way to receive commercial legal help from experienced Solicitors. Excellent value for money.

Problems / legal issues we solve

Our specialists can help solve your commercial legal problems.

These are some of the types of problems / issues / scenarios we can help you with.

Do you need to:

  • improve supplier/procurement processes?

  • outsource a service to a third party?

  • subcontract to a third party?

  • comply with new legislation, regulatory frameworks or industry standards?

  • change a company name / Director?

  • remove a Director / Shareholder?

  • file Companies House documents?

  • review a commercial contract sent to you?
  • confront a supplier not performing on time?
  • re-negotiate with a supplier not providing goods of satisfactory quality?
  • update website policies? e.g. privacy policies, website terms of use, cooke policy etc

  • update internal policies? e.g. health & safety, working from home policy etc.

  • assess current risks that your business is exposed to in your contracts?
  • assess adherence to industry best practices?

  • update team members on new legislation e.g. Finance Act 2024?

  • issue shares to employees?

  • document a loan made by you or a Director to the company?
  • sell/buy an asset?
  • sell/buy shares?
  • update your terms of business?
  • create a contract management system to keep on top of contract renewals?
  • create best practices for Data Protection legislation?
  • license IP to a third party / franchisee?
  • enter into a partnership with a business partner / other company?
  • enter into a joint venture?
  • hire contractors?
  • hire employees?
  • protect your brand?
  • enforce your existing brand rights?
  • enforce your contractual rights?

We get the job done to solve your problems.

Contract review AND DRAFTING services

  • What we do

    1. We listen to your instructions and clarify your bargaining position, objectives and timescales. You send us the agreement in question.
    2. We review and provide a markup of a contract presented to you by another party’s lawyers.
    3. We do this for a fixed fee (dependant on the length, complexity and extent of negotiations needed).
  • How we do it

    • We will consider:
      • What you and the other party are obliged to do;
      • How, when, and where the contract is to be performed;
      • Payment: how, when and by who;
      • What happens if:
        1. the products/services are not delivered; or
        2. payment is not made;
      • What would trigger a termination;
      • Any exclusions or caps to liability;
      • What happens if a dispute arises; and
      • What future obligations of the parties would look like.
  • Goal

    • The objective is for you to end up with a commercial agreement that is clear, which reflects your intentions; is based on the strength of your bargaining position, that is practical and that does not have anything unnecessary or overly onerous in it.
  • If you are the buyer of the products/services

    • We will frame the contract around the caveat emptor doctrine which states that buyers should beware. Buyers are expected to know what they are buying, what the implications of the commercial agreement are and what they are negotiating.
  • If you are the seller of the goods/services

    • We will look at your intentions and the risk areas as a provider of those goods/services.
  • Bottom line

    • We want to avoid any future disputes, so we focus on drafting with clarity, using plain English and not flooding contracts with confusing legal terminology.

Contract REVIEW, drafting and negotiations

Our specialists can help you with commercial contracts, corporate and business law matters.

These are some of the types of commercial legal documents / scenarios we can help you with:

  • Advertising and promotion agreements
  • Collaboration agreements
  • Commercial agency agreements
  • Director Service agreements

  • Distribution agreements

  • Franchise agreements
  • Service level agreement
  • Website terms
  • Website development agreement

  • Freedom of Information requests

  • Introducer agreements

  • Joint venture agreements
  • Licence agreements

  • Loan agreements
  • Maintenance and support agreements
  • Manufacturing agreements
  • Marketing agreements

  • Compromise agreements

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • Remote work policy

  • Director’s service agreements

  • Shareholder agreements

  • Director’s loan agreements

  • Issue shares

  • Promissory note
  • Appoint / remove a Director

  • Letter of intent

  • Sale of goods agreement
  • Sales commission agreement
  • Outsourcing agreements
  • Partnership agreements
  • Product agreements
  • Product liability issues
  • Service agreements
  • Software license agreements

  • Supply agreements

  • Share Purchase agreements

  • Sponsorship agreements

  • Contract affirmation

  • Asset sale

  • Buy a business / Sell a business
  • Share reclassification
  • Share sale agreement
  • Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS)
  • Non-compete agreements

  • Non-disclosure agreements

  • Product disclaimer
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association

  • Terms and conditions for the supply of goods and services
  • Trademarks, brand and logo protection
  • Terms of use for websites and mobile apps
  • Service and consultancy agreements
  • White labelling
  • Maternity/Paternity leave policy

  • Work from home contract

  • Contract proofreading

  • Sustainability policy

  • Consulting agreements

  • Cookie policy
  • Disclaimer or notice
  • E-commerce agreements

  • Exclusivity agreements

  • Technology agreements

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • Website policy

We proactively help you to understand and deal with issues that arise in a commercial manner that fits in with your business objectives.

Contract enforcement and termination

We can have the difficult conversations for you. We can communicate on your behalf where:

  • The other party:

    • is under-performing;
    • has delayed performance;
    • delivered defective goods/sub-standard services;
    • failed to pay you;
    • repudiated the agreement,
    • interfered with your performance;
    • caused you damage or loss; or
    • frustrated the agreement.
contract resolution

We seek the best result for you without resorting to costly, uncertain and unpredictable litigation.

The courts take the view that litigation should be a last resort and that claims should not be issued prematurely (Paragraph 4.7 of the practice direction on pre-action protocols).

  • The courts require you to be able to evidence other possible resolution mechanisms.

    This includes exploring:

    • discussions;
    • negotiations;
    • evaluation by an independent third party;
    • mediation; and/or
    • arbitration.

    Whilst we do not conduct litigation ourselves since it is a reserved legal activity, it always remains the final option as a last resort.

    If we get to that stage, we can help you instruct the right litigators. We will also save you time bringing them up to speed on what has happened so far before any claim form is filed and ensure a smooth transition over to them for the litigation process to commence.